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CJAD 800, on the AM dial, is Montreal's source for news. Working round-the clock, in the city's biggest newsroom, they deliver up-to-the-minute stories as they happen, faster than any other media. Plus, as the official broadcaster for the Montreal Canadiens and the Montreal Alouettes, CJAD 800 is the station sports fans turn to for all the action. When it comes to news, commentary and sports, CJAD talk radio is firmly entrenched in the English community.
979fm provides the only true community radio service broadcasting across the City of Melton. Our programming includes specialist and generalist music programs, local community news and talkback, Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) programming, youth orientated and local sports including local and national Harness Racing. News and live action coverage of Ballarat Football League games throughout the playing season.
HALStad Centraal is het samenwerkingsverband tussen Heerhugowaard Centraal, Alkmaar Centraal en Langedijk Centraal. De gezamenlijke missie is het informeren van de inwoners van het HAL-gebied (Heerhugowaard, Alkmaar en Langedijk) over het HAL-gebied. HALStad Centraal FM 105.3 is het gezamenlijke radiostation.
Mission CKIA-FM est une radio communautaire urbaine et citoyenne qui favorise l’émergence d’une société inclusive, solidaire et progressiste dans la grande région de Québec. Pour ce faire, elle : donne la parole aux individus ainsi qu’au milieu communautaire et associatif ; diffuse des émissions qui font avancer la réflexion sur les enjeux de société et qui inspirent l’action ; offre du contenu culturel diversifié et original qui met en valeur la scène locale. Vision CKIA-FM, par la qualité de sa programmation et les partenariats qu’elle développe avec sa communauté, vise à être reconnue comme LA radio de référence à Québec pour comprendre les enjeux locaux et régionaux liés à la vie en société, à l’actualité et à la culture. Valeurs Afin de réaliser sa mission et de poursuivre sa vision, CKIA-FM fait siennes les valeurs suivantes : L’engagement : Toute l’équipe de travail et de bénévoles de CKIA-FM est engagée et mobilisée au service de la mission de l’organisation et du rôle et des responsabilités liés à son statut de diffuseur. Tous s’impliquent activement afin d’offrir à notre communauté, une radio engagée et de qualité qui rejoint les préoccupations de notre auditoire. L’ouverture : L’ouverture — sur le monde, sur l’autre et sur la diversité des opinions — est au cœur de notre engagement et se reflète dans notre programmation, dans nos politiques et...
KCC Live has been a station at Knowsley Community College since December 2003. We were created by Sir George Sweeney, knighted for his work within education and then Principal of Knowsley Community College. The idea was to create an entertaining, work-based-learning environment which prioritised youth-engagement and work-disciplines, an ethos which had gained the college much recognition in the past. The station has always been run by three full-time staff, and although was always classed as a ‘student station’ by groups wishing to correspond with it, it has always had a professional approach to public service and giving young people a realistic and enriching experience of radio, unrivalled by other student or commercial stations. The aim from the beginning was to create a station which excited and informed, in equal measure. We have a clean record of serving our AM (medium wave) audience and have ran many campaigns including anti-bullying and anti-racism campaigns which have earned the support, involvement, and confidence of local community groups and individuals. Events have included many community broadcasts at key times, such as coverage live from John Lennon airport during terrorism restrictions, or comic relief events such as a live sport-relief mile and a 24 hour radio show for comic relief. We have recently been granted a 5 year FM licence to broadcast on 99.8FM. We provide ‘Community Radio with Attitude’. The station mixes the popular ‘wants’ and the social ‘needs’ of its audience with a hard working and creative approach to entertainment and social action. It is a station known for its passion for youth issues, stimulating / engaging community radio. KCC Live reflects the cultural energies and capabilities of young people from communities with large reserves of resilience and personality, despite the levels of economic deprivation.
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